Gunma Association of Tourism, Local Products & International Exchange (GTIA) provides foreign residents with various services as follows in order to promote tourism, local products, and internationalization in Gunma.
Consultations for Residents
Our foreign language-speaking staff answer questions about living in Gunma from 8:30a.m. to 5p.m. during weekdays. See below table for their hours. We also hold “Legal Consultation Day for Foreigners” a couple of times a year where you can obtain advice from legal professionals with no charge.
One-Stop Consultation Center for Foreign Residents of Gunma
Hours: 9:00-17:00 (Closed on weekends, holidays, and year-end & New Year period)
Providing Information in Foreign Languages
We provide various information useful to foreign residents in Gunma via website (monthly update) and a newsletter (bi-monthly). To obtain the information, please .
Gunma Association of Tourism.
Local Products & International Exchange